Join Dr. Theodore Watkins and Nutritionist for a 30 day, 4 session webinar. During each session Dr. Watkins will give detailed information about lifestyle change, nutritional guidance on how to transition  safely from unhealthy habits that are causing illness to habits that will assist your bodies processes in cleansing and often times reverse disease.

To begin your the ” 30 days to Wellness Webinar”

Dr Theodore Watkins

30 Days to Wellness Registration

Greetings, from Dr. Watkins and The Watkins Institute! To join our next 30 Days to Wellness program, please complete form below with all required data. If you have any questions or concerns please email up at

Step 1 of 3

  • 30 Days to Wellness Registration Form

    Dr. Watkins and The Watkins Institute invite you to join our awesome Lifestyle Change program. Over the next 30 days (4 sessions) you will be taught lifestyle principles that will help lead you to Wellness.
  • Date Format (mm/dd/yyyy)

Welcome To The Watkins Institute of Living

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